BPS gensp

Aleksandar Boričić uputio pismo predsedniku FIVB povodom nesreće koja je zadesila Srbiju

Predsednik OSS Aleksandar Boričić uputio je pismo predsedniku FIVB dr Ariju Grasi Filju, u kome ga je obavestio o veličini i ozbiljnosti prirodne katastrofe koja je zadesila Srbiju. Prenosimo vam integralnu verziju pisma uz prevod.








Dear Mr. President,

The largest natural disaster in the last 120 years befell Serbia.

Serbia and its people survived two world wars, disasters of various kinds, but since the memory of the people, something like this has never happened.

Two-thirds of the territory of Serbia is devastated, everything is under water. Cities are under water, whole villages disappeared, most of the roads and highways are broken, some damaged to such an extent that you cannot even go on foot, bridges are destroyed.

In most cities, towns and villages, the flood obliterated everything in its path, houses, cattle, and unfortunately there are many casualties. Most of the crops remains under water.

The "trapped" towns and villages have no electricity and no drinking water. They lack food, medicine, clothing, footwear...

Whole cities and villages have been evacuated to the cities not affected by this horrid disaster. Sports halls, school halls have become home for the evacuated people, children, the sick and the elderly. They are also used to accommodate the humanitarian aid that is slowly coming out from the region, Russia, European Union, United Nations and other humanitarian organizations of the world.

The Serbian government has declared the state of emergency for the whole country. Thus, the Ministry of Youth and Sports has issued an order to suspend all sporting events due to force majeur until further notice or the termination of the state of emergency.

In addition to that, the Ministry of Youth and Sports issued an appeal to all athletes, sports organizations, our athletes in the world to help in a concrete manner and in accordance with their capabilities and assist in the recovery from the disaster.

When this natural disaster has passed, many months and years of struggle await the Republic of Serbia, its people, its institutions, including the Volleyball Federation of Serbia in order to get the country back to normal life and to build everything that has been devastated and destroyed.

Dear Mr. President, I hereby appeal to you to seriously consider in which way the FIVB could help in a concrete and tangible way. Despite the fact of Serbia being a small and poor country, we believe that we have made an enormous contribution to the development of volleyball in the world, as is shown through the results of our National Teams in all competitions under the FIVB auspices.

We believe Mr. President, that the FIVB should, as was the case with the unprecedented tsunami in other parts of the world, give a concrete contribution to the continuation and development of volleyball in Serbia, in recovery and reconstruction of school and sports halls, so that volleyball can continue its work and development.

We thank you in advance for all that you would be able to do, convinced that the FIVB will, as so many times before, have a full understanding of the problems of its members, and it will prove again this time to be a socially responsible organization.

With my best regards, I remain

Sincerely Yours,

Aleksandar Boricic


U daljem tekstu pročitajte prevod na srpski jezik:



Poštovani gospodine Predsedniče,

Republiku Srbiju je zadesila najveća prirodna katastrofa u poslednjih 120 godina.

Srbija i njen narod preživeli su svetske ratove, nepogode raznih vrsta, ali od kada narod pamti, ovo je se nikada do sada nije desilo.

Dve trećine teritorije Srbije je pod vodom, gradovi su pod vodom, sela su potpoljena, većina puteva je u prekidu, mnogo ih je do te mere oštećeno da ni peške ne može da se prođe, mostovi su srušeni.

U većini gradova i sela voda je odnela sve pred sobom, kuće, stoku, a nažalost ima i mnogo ljudskih žrtava. Pod vodom je većina poljoprivrednih kultura.

U „zarobljenim“ gradovima i selima nema pijaće vode, hrane, lekova, odeće, obuće....

Celi gradovi i sele su evakusani u gradove koje katastrofa nije pogodila. Sportske dvorane, školske dvorane trenutno se koriste za smeštaj evakusanih ljudi, dece, bolesnih i iznemoglih starih lica, kao i za smeštaj humanitarne pomoći koja polako pristiže iz zemalja regiona, Rusije, Evropske unije, Ujedinjenih nacija, i drugih humanitarnih organizacija iz sveta.

Vlada Republike Srbije uvela je vanredno stanje u zemlji, a shodno tome Ministarstvo omladine i sporta izdala je naredbu da se sve sportske manifestacije, zbog prirodne katastrofe, odlažu do prestanka vanrednog stanja.

Pored toga, Ministarstvo omladine i sporta uputilo je apel svim sportistima, sportskim organizacijama, našim sportistima u svetu da na konkretan način i u skladu sa svojim mogućnostima pomogne u saniranju katastrofe.

Po završetku prirodne katastrofe, Republiku Srbiju, njen narod, njene institucije, pa tako i Odbojkaški savez Srbije očekuje višemesečna i vešegodišnja borba da se u zemlju vrati normalan život, da se izgradi sve što je porušeno i uništeno.

Poštovani gospodine Predsedniče, molim vas da najozbiljnije sagledate na koji bi FIVB mogao da pomogne na konkretan način. Bez obzira na činjenicu da je Srbija mala, siromašna zemlja, smatramo da smo dali veliki doprinos razvoju odbojke u svetu, što pokazuju rezultati svih naših nacionalnih selekcija na svim takmičenjima pod okriljem FIVB.

Smatramo, poštovani gospodine Predsedniče, da bi FIVB trebao, kao što je to bio slučaj sa nezapamćenim cunamijem u drugim delovima sveta, trebao da da konkretan doprinos za nastavak i razvoj odbojke u Srbiji, za obnavljanje školskih i ostalih sala, da odbojka može da nastavi sa radom i razvojem.

Uvereni da će FIVB, kao i mnogo puta do sada, imati puno razumevanja za probleme svojih članica, i da će se i ovoga puta pokazati kao društveno odgovorna organizacija, unapred vam se zahvaljujemo.

Primite srdačne pozdrave.

S poštovanjem,

Aleksandar Boričić
